Help For Students

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Where To Get Help Right Now Get help right now to remove photos and video from social media. Take back control of your life!
Kids Help Phone CAN 1 800 668 6868
eSafety Australia Report abuse, cyberbullying and illegal content.
Crisis Text Line Crisis Text Line is free, 24/7 emotional support for those in crisis. Our crisis counselors practice active listening to help people in crisis through a medium they know and trust: text.
MY3 Lets you stay connected when you are having thoughts of suicide.
Find Resources Around You! Locator app from Kids Help Phone
ImAlive Online help right now!
Good2Talk 1.866.925.5454 Live help for Ontario post secondary students.
Child Helpline International Find someone to talk to in over 130 countries.
Removing Chains Live Chat Live chat support.
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention 204 -784 - 4073
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline USA 1-800 -273-TALK
HOPELine UK 0800 068 41 41
ChildLine UK 0800 1111
Habla EspaƱol Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDA
Samaritans UK/ROI Call them right now if you need to talk. 
Kids Help Line AUS 1 800 55 1800
LifeLine NZ 0800 543 354
World Wide Suicide Hotlines Phone numbers for help when you need to talk.
Befrienders Worldwide We listen to people who are in distress.
Removing Chains Many of us have been where you are at. We'll listen.
UMatter You Can Get Help Youth suicide prevention 1.800.273.8255
Report Suicidal Content on Facebook

Reporting Apps and pages
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ERASE Bullying (British Columbia) ERASE is an anonymous and confidential online reporting tool for students. reporting page You have the option to remain anonymous.
InTouch Mobile  We are the only 2-way anonymous text reporting tool that empowers users to CALL or TEXT to a single local 10-digit phone number. Remove harmful photos and video from the web.
© Rethinkwords

ReThink An innovative, patented software product that effectively stops cyberbullying before the damage is done.
Sprigeo Online Reporting App and Response Plan.
The No App The first anti-bullying app which immediately alerts parents to problem interactions AND creates a record of the person(s) bothering the child.
TipSubmit Mobile TipSubmit Mobile will allow tipsters to submit secure and anonymous tips.
Stop-A-Bully Canada's anti-bullying reporting program.
STOPit The STOPit app is an affordable, anti-bullying security solution.
Twitter Report abusive users here.
Tumblr Scroll to the bottom of the page, click the "Contact Us" link. Report abuse directly here -
Anonymously report bullying in any school in the US here.
How to lock down your Facebook account for maximum privacy
Can't find it? Go here

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A4K Here to help you get involved, get the facts, and learn how to Stand Up and Speak Out against bullying.
Angel's Goal Educating and inspiring all children and young adults with the necessary life-long skills and courage to take action against becoming the victim of bullying.
AntibullyingPro Find advice/support for a variety of bullying issues.
Baffle That Bully! If you turn your encounters with bullies into a game, they will get bored and leave you alone.
BeatBullying BeatBullying works with young people to lead anti-bullying campaigns in their schools and local communities.
Bully Battleground No one has the right to abuse the internet to abuse you. No one has the right to re-write who you are.
Bullying Canada The first youth created anti-bullying website in Canada.
Bullies Keep Out! Get helped by a mentor or request help for cyberbullying/stalking.
Bullyvention Using technology to bring lawmakers and teens together.
Coping with Suicidal Thoughts
Cyber Safe Girl Empower yourself so that you understand the risks of being online.
CyberSlammed Cyberbullying is too vast, too complicated to have a “one size fits all" solution. So how do you know what to do in specific situations?
Defeat the Label We believe in putting the power for change where it belongs: in student's hands.
Headspace The National Youth Mental Health Foundation (AUS)We help young people who are going through a tough time.
How To Help A Suicidal Person An article from Psychology Today.
HopeLab Combining rigorous research with innovative solutions to improve human health and well-being.
InS@fe Promoting safe, responsible use of the internet and mobile devices to young people.
Karen Klein Anti-Bullying Foundation The goal of the Karen Klein Anti-Bullying Foundation is to help teach kids and teens about being kind, friendly, and playing nicely with others.
Kid Power Eight Skills Kids Can use Right Away (PDF file)
Love is Louder We're a movement of people here to say that love is louder than any voice that causes pain or brings you down.
LoveShareCare Founded by a teen for teens, Love Share Care is a social place where girls can freely share what they love in a caring environment. Get help understanding depression, substance abuse and mental health issues.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Toolkit Info, examples and ideas you can use to help.
Prevent Bullying on Facebook Introducing tools, tips and programs that help people stand up for themselves and each other.
Operation Unfriend Bullying Aims to provide and promote a safe and bully-free environment to all individuals.
Publisher's Weekly A huge list of bullying books available for kids and teens.
PREVNet Canada's authority on bullying.
Removing Chains Live Chat Removing Chains is your live chat support site offering hope, love and encouragement to hurting people.
Send This Instead An app that empowers kids giving them a voice when they are under pressure to send intimate images of themselves online.
SPEAK OUT - Stop Bullying A student run anti-bullying initiative we support.
Family Channel  Online Safety Tips Help for students.
Stop Bullying Foundation Dedicated to preventing bullying, helping raise awareness about bullying, and creating change.
Stop Bullying!  A book list for UK kids and teens.
Stop Online Abuse Find out more about online abuse and harassment, what it is, and what you can do to stop it.
Teen Help Helping parents find troubled teen schools or treatment options locally.
The Grass Gets Greener How to move on from your past into your future for bullying survivors.
The Trevor Project The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender and questioning youth.
The UnSlut Project Working to undo the dangerous slut shaming in our schools, communities, media, and culture by sharing knowledge and experiences.
Youth In BC Be heard. Get help.

The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. HNWS does not endorse specific information, products, or services. Please read our disclaimer here.